Congratulations to the band for an INCREDIBLE weekend! We are extremely proud of you!

Please visit the trip tab and review the new document titled "Form Checklist." All forms are due by 10/31 at the latest.
Photographer Needed
We are in need of a photographer to take some action shots during the band's halftime performance this week. If you or someone you know has a DSLR camera (with a long distance lens) and would like to help out the band, please send Mr. Doherty and email at
Donations Needed
We're looking for some donations for the cookie table for our final two Friday night home games. We've received a lot of positive feedback from sharing this hospitality with the visiting bands. Please follow this link to donate!
Senior Night
Senior Night is Friday, 10/20. We need volunteers to help make this night special. If you are interested in helping, please email Mr. Doherty at
Dublin Band Showcase
The Dublin Band Showcase is Thursday, October 19th at 7p. The Dublin Band Showcase is a community performance held by all three Dublin marching bands. The students get a chance to see the other band's shows, meet the other band members, and support band programs in Dublin City Schools. This is a mandatory performance for all three bands and an incredible night of music! The full itinerary will be released soon!
Home vs. Delaware Hayes
5:30 — Report time, E3 doors open
6:25 — March to the stadium
6:50 — Pregame
7:00 — Kick-off
9:30 — Anticipated end time
Uniform Care
Please wash your uniform after this weekends contest. Please follow the instructions from our uniform company, listed below.
Wash the Jacket and Bibs separately
Use cold water only and use the "Gentle" or "Permanent Press" function on your washing machine.
Use a non-chlorine gentle detergent
Do not use liquid fabric softener on your uniform. If you use a dryer sheet, only use one sheet.
Dry on low or delicate. Using the high heat function can melt the fabrics or destroy the uniform. Remove garments from the dryer immediately and hang.
Touch up the press with a clean iron on low heat