Welcome back, everyone! We're excited to start the summer rehearsal season with a great parade this week!
4th of July Parade Details
Students Report to 495 Metro Place at 10:15am Thursday morning. The parade managers have created a new drop off plan for the marching bands. There is a drop off loop at that location. Please drink a bottle of water and go to the bathroom before you arrive :)
Students should report IN SUMMER UNIFORM
Green polo, grey shorts, and your black marching shoes or the darkest pair of tennis shoes you own.
Students need to bring their instrument/flag with them to the parade start. Do not bring cases to the beginning of the parade, leave them at home or in your car.
Students will need to arrange to meet their families somewhere following their parade performance - We will NOT end the parade where it begins. The parade will end at 181 S. High St.
Parents should either meet their child there or arrange to meet them somewhere along the parade route. Once we finish the parade, it is the student's responsibility to meet their ride.
We are the first band to perform! We kick off the parade with the National Anthem at 11:00am then follow the route. Since we are first this year, the parade will go by significantly faster.
Fees & Updates
Our online fee system is live, click the link in the banner to make your second band camp payment. The remainder of your fees will be added to the store throughout the summer.
FUN (Fees, Uniforms, Needs) Night has been scheduled!
Juniors/Seniors — Wednesday July 17th
Freshmen/Sophomores — Thursday July 18th