Solo and Ensemble Recital 1/31
The S&E recital is a chance for everyone to run through their music for an audience before the big event! This will give you a chance to find any last things you need to practice, and get some of the jitters out before you perform at contest.
The event is 6:00p-8:30p, but you only need to be present for your event. Please be ready to play 10 minutes before your performance time, you are free to leave after you perform. You are more than welcome to stay and watch your friends. Please invite friends and family!
Sign up for your time slot by Wednesday of this week. Percussion will perform first at 6p in E3. The sign up sheet is on the door in E2.
Wear concert black or nice dress clothes coordinated with your group.
E3 — Percussion performance and group warm up
E2 — Band events
E1 — Orchestra and choir events
OMEA Solo and Ensemble
Solo and Ensemble contest is at Pickerington High School North on Saturday, February 10th. We will email out the performance times as soon as we receive them.
Pep Band
We have 4 more games. Saturday, 1/27 is Military Appreciation Night and a large group has been requested. Please join us for a packed house on Saturday night!
Delaware Youth Wind Symphony
Interested in performing in a weekly honor band? Ohio Wesleyan University is launching the Delaware Youth Wind Symphony this year! There is no audition required. Click here for more information.
Incoming Freshmen Meeting/Show Reveal! — 1/29
This is a required event for band members in grades 9-11. This is an informational meeting for new band members and their families. Ms. Aubihl and the students will learn some stand tunes with the 8th graders while Mr. Doherty leads the meeting with the parents.
At the end of the meeting (7:45,) we will reveal the 2024 marching band show! If you are in Color Guard and would like to watch the show reveal, come to the meeting at 7:30 and wait in the hall. You can come in the room with the rest of the band to listen to the stand tunes and watch the reveal.
Upcoming Dates
Pep Band — 1/23, 1/27, 1/30, 2/9
New Freshmen Meeting — 1/29
Solo and Ensemble Recital — 1/31
Davis & Scioto Concert — 2/7
OMEA Solo & Ensemble — 2/10