Congratulations seniors, we will miss you!
Summer uniform orders are due June 8th. Click here to place your order. We cannot accept any late orders.
The preview picture for the men's shorts is black, but they are actually grey. This is a technical glitch, all shorts are the same color.
All new members must buy the polo and shorts, all returning members must buy the shorts.
Marching band uniforms must be turned in by Wednesday, 5/24. Rising seniors can keep theirs at home.
The first marching band practice is tomorrow, 5/23, 6:00-8:30p. Parents, please join us for the parent meeting from 7:30-8:30p. Please wear running shoes, and athletic clothes, bring your instrument and a water bottle. Music will be provided.
The time has come to start your band camp paperwork! Click here to visit the band camp page, then click on the "Mandatory Form Checklist" for more information.