The annual Fund Drive was a big success! Thank you to Julie Stankey for organizing the event, thank you to Sonja Thornbloom for your work with the funds, thank you to all of our drivers and money counters, thank you to the hospitality crew for dinner, and finally, thank you to the band members for representing our program in the community!
Our first competition is this week at Westerville North! We can't wait to kick-off the competitive season. If you are able, please come support these incredible students! There is no better feeling than hearing the roar of the crowd as you perform. Tickets and performance information are below.
9/15 vs. Worthington Kilbourne
BATTLE OF HARD ROAD & 8th Grade Night
4:30 — Scioto members Report to the practice field & 8th graders arrive to Scioto
5:15 — Play at the tailgate
5:30 — Dinner Jet's Pizza & lemonade with gluten free options provided by the Dublin Music Boosters
6:25 — March to the stadium
6:40 — Pregame performance with the 8th graders
7:00 — Kick off
9:30 — Anticipated end time
We will wear full uniforms for this week's game
The 8th graders will be in the stands with us this week. We're excited to have our future band members with us to experience what it's like to be part of the band!
We are looking for a few more volunteers for both concessions and with the cookie table the next two Friday nights. This Friday's game is often our busiest of the fall season, and next week should be busy too as it is Homecoming. We are especially requesting involvement of the Freshman and Sophomore parents as many of our concessions volunteers are parents of Seniors and we need to get others familiarized and comfortable with operating concessions as the Senior parent time is limited.
If you are not familiar with our cookie table, this is a hospitality table where we provide treats to both bands during the 3rd quarter and an opportunity for the bands to interact with each other. With this week being 8th grade night, we adjusted the number of slots in an attempt to collect treats for a larger audience. Please sign up here to make our home games an incredible experience for our students!
9/16 OMEA Westerville North
12:00 — Percussion report time
1:00 — Rehearse
3:30 — ECL (Eat, change, load)
4:50 — Depart for Westerville North HS
5:20 — Arrive at Westerville North HS
6:40 — Warm-up
7:45 — Have a Superior Performance!
8:15 — Free time, visit the concessions, use the restroom etc.
8:45 — In the away stands to watch Worthington Kilbourne
9:00 — Awards
9:45 — Anticipated departure time
10:20 — Anticipated arrival at Dublin Scioto
Dublin Music Boosters will provide Chipotle style taco rice bowls-rice, with ground beef, shredded chicken, black beans, tortilla chips, various taco toppings. Sides are apple slices, chocolate chip cookies, lemonade. There are vegetarian options as well.
Tickets are $10 for general entry, $5 for students and seniors, parking is free. Credit cards are accepted at the gate and concession areas.